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    the author translated this part from wikipedia. but she intentionally omitted the last para. in the last paragraph, it is told taht communists worked with ambedkar in the textile labour strike.

    Independent Labour Party
    The Independent Labour Party (ILP) was a political organisation formed under the leadership of B. R. Ambedkar on 15 August 1936. It opposed the brahmanical and capitalist structures in India, supported the Indian working class and sought to dismantle the caste system.[3]

    The formation of the ILP was not welcomed or supported by the communist leaders, who argued that it would lead to a split in the working-class votes. Ambedkar replied that communist leaders were working for the rights for the worker but not for the human rights of Dalit workers.[4] In his work Annihilation of Caste, Ambedkar put forth the idea that caste is not merely the ‘division of labour’ but ‘division of labourers’ based upon graded inequality.[5]

    In the 1937 Provincial elections, the ILP secured 14 of the 17 seats in which they contested. This included 11 of the 13 contested seats that were reserved for traditionally oppressed communities.[5]

    In 1938, the ILP, with the support of the Congress Socialist Party, organised a march of 20,000 tenants from the Konkan region to Bombay, marked the largest pre-independence peasant mobilisation in the region. In the same year, it also joined with Communists to organise Bombay textile labourers in opposition to a bill intended to control strike actions by the labourers. ILP opposed the bill in the Bombay Legislative Assembly.[4]

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    Aruna Gogulamanda

    I think you are the one who translated from vikis dear sir. You have dared to make such foolish allegations without a base. I’m scholar at HCU who reads about Babasaheb on a daily basis, to get knowledge about the enormous tasks he had done to liberate India. I prepare my essays from different volumes of writings of Ambedkar and work on the same for days together.Dont get on people thinking that they are dumbos who would be calm on your allegations. I can give you a list of references if you want. But you better stop your baseless comments on writers.

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    yes. i have no disagreement with your scholarship. you have intentionally omitted the role of various trade union leaders and their efforts bring the welfare to the working people. you have intentionally omitted the coordination between the communists and Ambedkar in the above strike. straitghtly i have given the above said paragraph from wikipedia. you can compare your paragraph with this.
    however, it is better to give references while writing an article..moreover you are not the first person who write about Ambedakr’s efforts on the working class. while writing about ambedkar then you should not simply mention the communists in a tone of criticism. after that stance only they worked with Ambedkar.
    i dont think, that i have to give such suggestions to a seasoned researcher


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