సంచికలో తాజాగా

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    సదానంద్ పాత్ర ద్వారా
    సాంబశివరావు గారు తన ఉద్యోగ ధర్మం పాటిస్తూనే,చేపట్టిన సేవా కార్యక్రమాలు, తన జ్ఞాపకాలు గా అందించడం,అభినందనీయం.ఈ అనుభవాలు తప్ప క నేటి తరానికి/రేపటి యువతకు తప్ప క స్పూర్తి దాయకం కాగలదు.నవల,నాటిక,కధలతో పాటు,అనుభవాలు కూడా మన సంచిక..ద్వారా అందించడం ఆనందంగా ఉన్ది.రావు గారికి అభినందనలు.

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      Sambasiva Rao Thota

      Dr.Prasad Garu!
      Thanks for your observations.
      Mee abhimaanaaniki ,Shubhaakaankshalaku Dhanyavaadaalu!🙏🙏🙏

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    Sivaprasad Bandarupalli

    Very inspiring! Thought provoking!

    A story beautifully written with a subtle expression of ideas that the society of today ought to learn about and inculcate in order to preserve the good life.

    My heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the author Sambashiva Rao Garu.

    Regards, Sivaprasad

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      Sambasiva Rao Thota

      SivaPrasad Garu!
      I am glad that you have read the story and understood the assence behind.
      I am delighted by your comments..
      Thank you very much Sir 🙏🙏🙏

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    పాలేటి సుబ్బారావు

    సాంబశివరావు గారూ, మీరు రాసిన కథ చదువుతుంటే రోటరీ క్లబ్ ఆఫ్ గుంటూరు వికాస్ ప్రెసిడెంట్ గా నేను పనిచేసిన క్షణాలు గుర్తుకు వచ్చాయి. ఆ సేవల ద్వారా వచ్చే మానసిక సంతృప్తి మరెక్కడా కనిపించదు. మీరు ఆ క్లబ్ లు పనితీరు పూర్తిగా తెలుసుకుని రాసినట్లు స్పష్టంగా తెలుస్తున్నది. రచయితలకు విషయ పరిజ్ఞానం తప్పక అవసరం. మీరు అభినందనీయులు.

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      Sambasiva Rao Thota

      SubbaRao Garu!
      What you have told is very much true.
      Even myself performed with great satisfaction as Secretary,and President of Lions Club at Mahabubabad and Ponnur Nidubrole.
      Those activities are life time memories of Services to the Society….
      Thanks for your observations and appreciation..and good wishes…

  4. 4

    R Laxman Rao

    Dear Samba Siva Rao garu
    When I read the story, I remembered the days of my working as Chairman Dharbanga REgional Rural Bank sponsored by Central Bank Of India in one of the backward district of Bihar State.I was Secretary Rotary Club Dharbanga And in my period there was heavy flood in the area The very old school building was collapsed We had prepared a project report for repair and got the financial asssistance from Rotary International and the school
    Building was reconstructed .🌚Besides we were organising Medical camps,Distribution Of Khambals/Bedsheets to the poor in winter season,and scholarships to the poor meritorious students I used to feel so much happy when I was serving along with other my fellow rotarians with their financial assistance
    R Laxman Rao

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      Sambasiva Rao Thota

      Laxmman Rao Garu!
      I am so impressed about the Service Activities,you have associated with,when you were the Chairman of a Grameena Bank.
      I also have similar experience when I performed as a Secretary and President of Lions Club at Mahabubabad and Ponnur Nidubrolu..
      Sir I am particularly happy to inform you that I also worked as Chairman of Chaithanya Gramina Bank In Guntur DTP.A P., sponsored by Andhra Bank…
      Sir Thank you so much for reading the story and offering your valuable comments sharing your previous experiences about Social Service Activities….

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    Sambasiva Rao Thota

    చాలా బాగుంది.రాజకీయనాయకులు మరియు సేవా రంగంలోని వారు సదానంద్ లా ఉంటే దేశంలో రామరాజ్యం నడుస్తుంది

    The above comment is posted by Ms.Kasthuri Devi ..

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      Sambasiva Rao Thota

      Kasthuri Devi Garu!
      Meeru cheppindi aksharaalaa nizam !
      Anthaa Manche jaragaalani aashiddaam !
      Dhanyavaadaalu !!

  6. 6

    Sambasiva Rao Thota

    Excellent story sir. Here Sri Sadanand is Sri Thota Sambasiva Rao garu the man behind.Thanks sir for forwarding such an excellent story as we are reading it we feel the characters are in front of us and to reality. That is the greatness of you please. Framing a story is different and making it feel a reality is something quite different. That’s from your pen always. I am happy that I came in contact with you if not lot could have missed. I pray God to provide you good health, happiness and thoughts to provide us much more in the coming days. A big thanks and superb story sir.

    The above comments are posted by Mr.K.S.Murthy…

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      Sambasiva Rao Thota

      Sri KS Murthy Garu!
      Thanks for your affectionate comments which I cherish always..
      Thanks 🙏

  7. 7

    Sambasiva Rao Thota

    “అభినందనీయుడు” కథ చదివాను సాంబశివరావు గారు. చాలా బాగుంది.
    సమాజాసేవ చేయాలనే మీలో రగిలే తపన-
    మీ ఈ రచనలో ప్రస్ఫుటమయ్యిoది,
    అని నా భావన.
    ఎలాగూ మీరు ప్రస్తుతం “BBG GOLD” సంస్థకు కార్యదర్శిగా ఉన్నారు కావున మీ ఈ తపనను కార్యరూపంలో పెడుతున్న వైనం కూడా ప్రస్ఫుటంగా కనబడుతూ ఉన్నది.
    మీరు చేస్తున్న ప్రయత్నాన్ని విజయవంతం చేయాలని ఆకాంక్షిస్తున్నాను.
    మీ రచనా వ్యాసంగాన్ని దిగ్విజయంగా కొనసాగిస్తారని కూడా ఆకాంక్షిస్తున్నాను.

    The above comments are posted by Mr.Wahab….

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      Sambasiva Rao Thota

      Wahab Garu!
      Thanks for reading the story.
      Thanks for your Best Wishes which will certainly help me to go further in my line of travel….🙏

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    Jhansi koppisetty

    ఈ కథ లోనో కథానాయకుడు సదానంద్ నిజంగానే టైటిల్ కు తగినట్లుగా అభినందనీయుడు….రచయిత కథనం అద్భుతంగా వుంది👌👌👌

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      Sambasiva Rao Thota

      Jhansi Garu!
      It is heartening to see that you read the Story even in your busy schedule and also offering your comments…
      Thanks Andi !!🙏

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    MV Rao

    I am totally impressed by your life and the deeds you are doing! May God inspire more people to be like you!

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      Sambasiva Rao Thota

      MV Rao Garu!
      Thanks for your time in reading the story.
      Even it inspires one , I am happy…
      Thanks Andi ! 🙏

  10. 10

    Sambasiva Rao Thota

    If it is possible , let it be a documentary

    The above comments are posted by Mr.Ravi

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      Sambasiva Rao Thota

      Hi Ravi !
      Time Vasthe yedainaa jaragochu!!
      Chooddaam !!
      However Thanks for your wishes !!

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    P v Ramanaiah

    Thank you Sambasivarao gaaru. Given a very good and model social service through your Kavita. , after reading this everybody wants something to do to the society. Hope it is real. P v Ramanaiah .

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      Sambasiva Rao Thota

      Ramanaiah Garu!
      Thanks for reading the story and appreciating the content , most of which is ofcourse real.
      To throw some light on most needed Service Activities for the society,I have taken up this subject…
      Thanks for your keen observation and heartful wishes for the betterment of the society…

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    P Sreenivasa Rao

    This story is an output of Comprehensive Research on Charity Programs by Organisations.
    The type of programs are clearly listed and explained in detailed.
    The main attraction is showing a source to every individual person who wish to do charity to his maximum extent. Joining an organisation will have an advantage definitely over doing doing the same individually.
    Individual has the limitation to do charity independently as the charity involves lot of processes like explained in this story of gathering group of members, funds raising, selecting the program, selecting the beneficiaries, mobilising the experts, completing the same as per schedule.
    The main problem from the members itself as everyone strive for recognition and awards in charity and groupism.
    Next one is resources in financial terms. The author had successfully read the mindset of a dedicated person who wish to do this as it is for himself.
    All things come together and motivate everyone to start this type of activities in the wake of Corona Virus – COVID-19, the need of the hour.
    I did not understood the phrase “ఆరోజు జిల్లా కేంద్రం నుంచి వచ్చిన అందం డాక్టర్ సుమంత్” the Word Andam.might be Surname. I guess.

    Good story for self motivation to participation in Charity Programms directly or indirectly.
    I Appreciate the content on Charity programs.

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      Sambasiva Rao Thota

      SrinivasaRao!Thanks for understanding the content so perfectly…
      In place of అందం ,to read
      నేత్రవైద్యుల బృందం
      …..అది పొరపాటు …
      I am extremely happy for your observations and comments…
      Thank you very much….

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    P. Nagalingeswara Rao

    సాంబశివ రావు గారు మీరు వ్రాసిన కథ లోని హీరో సదానంద్ గారి సేవ భావము అందరి లో ఉంటే సమాజానికి ఎన్ని మంచి కార్యక్రమములు చెయ్యవచ్చునో చాల బాగా తెలిపారు . మీ కలం నుండి ఇంకా మంచి మంచి సందేశాలను ఇచ్ఛే కథలు రావాలని కోరుకుంటున్నాను.

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      Sambasiva Rao Thota

      NagaLingeswararao Garu!
      Thanks for your observations and wishes for the betterment of the society..🙏
      I shall sincerely try to come up to your expectations…
      I always need your support and encouragement….
      Thanks Andi !! 🙏

  14. 14

    Sambasiva Rao Thota

    Dear T S R ,
    Wishes for Sri Rama Navami
    Read the inspiring story
    It appears …. Sadanand name
    is your favourite
    Earlier also you highlighted the same name
    The theme is highly motivating
    Good luck and wishing you all the best
    Warm regards

    The above comments are from Sri A.Suryanarayana

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      Sambasiva Rao Thota

      Thanks Suryanarayana Garu!
      As you said Sadaanand is my favourite name.I am happy to note that you liked the content…
      I always need your support and encouragement to go further as a writer….
      Thanks for your affectionate greetings which I reciprocate heartily….
      Happy SriRamaNavami ..


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